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Economics advisors offer one-on-one, in-person, Zoom, and phone appointments. Schedule appointments at For general advising questions, please contact us at

To schedule an appointment:

Carey Elder

Sandi Dean

Jodie Romzek

Undergraduate Student Newsletter: March

Catch up on the latest important academic dates, events and opportunities by reading this monthly newsletter from the Economics advising team. 


Advising Frequently Asked Questions

To make an appointment with an Economics advisor, please use You are not assigned to a specific advisor. You may schedule an appointment with any of the advisors. 
The Economics department does not hold walk-in advising. To meet with an advisor, please schedule an individual appointment via SIS. If you have a quick question, you can email However, we do not do in-depth advising via email, so you might be asked to schedule an appointment to avoid any miscommunication.
You may email general questions to We try to respond to all emails within 2 business days. We do not provide in-depth advising via email. If your question requires an extensive review of your record, you will be asked to make an advising appointment.
To change your major to Economics, make an appointment with an Economics advisor via You may schedule an appointment with any of the advisors.

If your GPA is below 2.0, you will be referred to the College of Social Science Student Affairs office after your Economics advising appointment.

To add any of the above Economics designations, make an appointment with an Economics via An advisor can explain the differences among these options and how they fit into your remaining time at MSU.

Students who have made significant progress toward the Economics minor may email to get the minor added to your record.

Primary major requirements can be found on the department website and in the academic programs catalog. Additional majors are required to complete the same 30 credits of Economics courses as EC BA majors, plus the BA STEM requirement and a calculus course. Second degree candidates must complete at least 150 total credits and the same College and Economics requirements as primary majors. Minor requirements can be found in the academic programs catalog.

Students in all EC programs are encouraged to meet with an advisor to review requirements specific to their circumstances. You may also email general questions to

Yes. All students must apply for graduation for the semester in which they expect to complete their requirements. The application is available at From the home page, click the “Academic Progress” tile, then “Graduation” and “Apply for Graduation” on the left-side navigation. After you apply, you can view and edit your diploma name and mailing address using the “View Graduation Status” link. Diplomas are mailed to all students 4-6 weeks after the semester ends, regardless of commencement participation.

Other MSU Resources

While our advisors should be the primary place that majors go to for information on the economics major, there are many other university resources available for students.Please click the button below to view all other MSU student resources. 

Student Resources