MSU Department of Economics has been a top-ranked department for decades. Our generous alumni, friends, and corporate and foundation partners contribute to our many successes by supporting faculty through endowed positions and research funds; undergraduates through the Econ Scholars Program, the Help Rooms, experiential learning opportunities, scholarships, and awards; and graduate students through independent research fellowships. Please consider joining those who have decided to give back to support future generations of Spartans.
Below are several ways that you can support our department. If you would like to explore creating your own fund or to identify other giving opportunities that better suit your goals, please contact Alex Tripp, Senior Director of Development, or Steven Haider, Chair of the Department of Economics.
To honor Professor Walter Adams, one of the most influential faculty members in the department’s history, the Alumni Advisory Board created an endowed faculty position. In the Fall of 2022, the department was pleased to award the position to Professor Jeff Wooldridge, another one of our most influential faculty members. With your support, we can celebrate our world-class faculty, attract future talent, and ensure our Economics Department remains top rate.
We provide a variety of resources to ensure that all of our majors can reach their full potential. These benefits include enrichment opportunities such as the Econ Scholars Program, undergraduate research assistantships, experiential learning opportunities, Help Rooms and scholarship funds. With your support, we are able to provide a variety of programs and resources to meet student needs.
This fund supports our efforts to train the next generation of economists that will shape our world. Most recent Ph.D. graduates have gone on to work in tenure-track positions at top research institutions (Arizona, Essex, Georgia Tech, Iowa State, Melbourne, Oregon State, Rutgers), in top government agencies (Census, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, , U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S. Government Accountability Office), and in top private sector firms (Abt, Amazon, Citi, J.P. Morgan, Mathematica).
As a way to continue to make a difference in the lives of students, the Charles Ballard and June Youatt Emergency Assistance Fund is being established. With your support, this fund will provide emergency funds to Economics students who are experiencing unforeseen hardships.
With your help, we can maintain a top rank for our Economics Department through general funding support for our research, teaching, and service.
Alex Tripp
Senior Director of Development
College of Social Science, Michigan State University
Steven Haider
Chair of the Department of Economics
College of Social Science, Michigan State University