Friday, February 21, 2025
Koo Room, 5A Marshall-Adams Hall
Join the MSU Department of Economics for the Red Cedar Conference showcasing the research of our PhD candidates. This event is open to the public.
Questions? Email organizer Jay Feight,, or Scott Imberman,
Red Cedar Conference
Name: Alex Kucera
Time: 08:00am
Chair: Kyoo Il Kim
Committee Members: Justin Kirkpatrick, Michael Conlin
Title: Measuring Illicit Drug Markets using Wastewater
Name: Madeleine Smith
Time: 08:30am
Chair: Stacy Dickert-Conlin
Committee Members: Benjamin Bushong, Scott Imberman
Title: Household Resources and Intimate Partner Violence: The case of Medicaid Expansion
Name: Kuma Okoro
Time: 09:00am
Chair: Justin Kirkpatrick
Committee Members: Stacy Dickert-Conlin, Kyoo Il Kim
Title: Impact of Eviction Filing Fees on Landlord Eviction Filing Decision
Name: Younghee Son
Time: 09:30am
Chair: Jay Pil Choi
Committee Members: Arijit Mukherjee, Hanzhe Zhang
Title: Organ Availability and Transplant Candidate Behavior
Name: Kevin Mi
Time: 10:00am
Chair: Todd Elder
Committee Members: Stacy Dickert-Conlin, Hanzhe Zhang
Title: Organ Availability and Transplant Candidate Behavior
Name: Mahd Mahmud
Time: 10:30am
Chair: Raoul Minetti
Committee Members: Wentao Zhou, Luis Araujo
Title: Macroprudential Policies For Macroeconomic Stability in the Housing Market
Name: Sang Joon Rhee
Time: 11:00am
Chair: Raoul Minetti
Committee Members: Luis Araujo, Wentao Zhou
Title: Monetary Policy Effects on the Aggregate Balance Sheet of U.S.Commercial Banks
Name: Chao Fang
Time: 11:30am
Chair: Raoul Minetti
Committee Members: Wentao Zhou, Qingqing Cao
Title: International Banks and Trade
Name: Patrick Massey
Time: 12:00pm
Chair: Scott Imberman
Committee Members: Justin Kirkpatrick, Rene Crespin
Title: Driving Equity through Incentives: Teacher Sorting and the Texas Teacher Incentive Allotment
Name: Matt Guzman
Time: 01:00pm
Chair: Scott Imberman
Committee Members: Leslie Papke, Adrea Truckenmiller
Title: The Effects of Local Property Taxes on Special Education
Name: Zach Henley
Time: 01:30pm
Chair: Steven Haider
Committee Members: Steve Woodbury, Paul Kim
Title: The Impact of Hospital Ownership Change on Operations and Labor Movement
Name: Marcus Dockerty
Time: 02:00pm
Chair: Scott Imberman
Committee Members: Steven Haider , Leslie Papke
Title: Brass Handcuffs: Teacher Mobility and Experience Transfer Limits in
Name: Jaehong Lim
Time: 02:30pm
Chair: Kyoo Il Kim
Committee Members: Kyoo Il Kim, Todd Elder
Title: Children's Noncognitive Skill Development: Multi-task Problem versus Learning by Doing
Name: Willy Chen
Time: 03:00pm
Chair: Todd Elder
Committee Members: Hanzhe Zhang, Paul Kim
Title: Law Law Land: The Effects of Sanctuary City Policies
Friday, February 21, 2025
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Koo Room, 5A Marshall-Adams Hall